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When you ask God for wisdom, expect challenges. When you pray for money, expect ideas or opportunities.
I don't ask God for money; because I might not have the right skills to manage it. So, I ask Him for grace, wisdom and health. I don't need skills to have those.
​I don't allow challenges to point me to the quiting side. I draw strength from the word of God, and I trust Him too much to give up.
​success is so difficult that most times you have to cry yourself to sleep; only those who didn't give up get the chance to explain what the journey is like.
Grow to the level where you need not bug your mind with hate for anyone. At this level, you forgive them even when they didn't apologize; you just let go and move on easily.
Are you sure your prayer was not answered or you missed your answer because it came in a different package?
​If you must pray, then you must learn ti believe in your prayers; because prayer without faith is a complete waste of time and energy.
The difference between you and I is, we process information differently. We may have access to the same information and still come up with different results. It's normal!
No doubt, you're doing your best. But what if your success is tied to contentment and gratitude?
Nothing can stop you from becoming how you see yourself; your entire being is highly influenced by your mind.
Whenever you feel like giving up, stand before your mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and remind yourself why you can't give up.
Always remember, you are not in competition with anyone. Stay on your lane, be consistent, and be grateful for every little success.
I didn't react to what you did, not because it was right or didn't hurt, but because I chose not to bother about anything that threatens my inner peace.
Your ability to admit wrongdoing and apologize is priceless, it's not a sign of weakness; it shows that you are a better human.
​In politics, always remember that opponents are human beings who think differently, they are not enemies who need to be eliminated or humiliated.
It's better to appear eccentric than be entangled with some sort of unstable sweetness that could impede the cynosure of your revered self-esteem.
Bearing in mind that no one is perfect, it's important to constantly reflect on our actions and inactions and genuinely tackle any trace of deficiencies in our character.
Occasionally, we are faced with ferocious but momentary afflictions released to prepare us for the next level of growth; Do not panic, only be prepared to embrace the lessons and grow with the pain.
Whatever you do in life, you are bound to upset someone; so you might as well do what you think is right. That way, you can live with yourself.
The actual parents to a child are those who raised him, not necessarily those who gave birth to him.
​Narcissism and self respect are two different things, don't mistake the former for the latter.
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